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Bourbon County 11.26.22

Mark your calendars for 11.26.22 at 11:00am for our Bourbon County release! More info will follow as I get it!

Happy Friday everyone! I may sound like a broken record but it's another beautiful day! Rake those leaves and then grab a beer to celebrate! (Or maybe just get a beer and leaf it for a future version of yourself!)

New in Today:

-Platform Holiday 12pk

-Platform South Pole Elf 6pk

-Platform Tis' the Terra Trooper 16oz 4pk

-Rhinegeist Blizzy Blast 6pk

-Duvel Golden Ale 4pk+Glass

-Bell's Xmas 6pk

-Brew Dog Imperial Hazy 6pk

-Goldhorn Dead Man IPA 6pk

-North High Milk Stout 6pk

-Duck Rabbit Wee Heavy 6pk

-Schlafly Oatmeal Stout 6pk

-Schlafly Coffee Stout 6pk

-Flying Dog Snow Plow'd 12pk Variety

-Ellicottville Sugar Cookie 16oz 4pk

-Clown Shoes 12 Beers of Christmas Vairety 12pk

-Clown Shoes Fruitorian 16oz 4pk

-Wyndridge Gingerbread Cider 6pk


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